Shin Splint Hero


Have you ever been told you have flat feet? Do you over-pronate during running or walking? Ever experienced “shin splints” before? If you answered yes to any of these, then you need to pay some attention to this muscle. Tibialis posterior is located in the deep posterior compartment of your leg. It helps to support the arch of your foot, stabilize your ankle and foot during gait and creates inversion when fully contracted.

Weakness of this muscle destabilizes our ankle and foot. This can lead to “fallen arches”, bunions, “shin splints”, knee pain, hip pain and even lower back pain. Think of it like this, if your TP is weak, the kinetic chain of your lower limb could resemble the leaning tower of Pisa.

TP exercise: Begin by placing a ball between your heels with a light squeeze on the ball. Raise up into a calf raise maintaining the squeeze on the ball. Make sure to push up using your big toe so that your Achilles does not bow. Return back down while maintaining the tension on the ball. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.


October - Month of She

