Get the care you and your little one deserve.
Pregnancy Care
Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is.
This is one of the most special times in a woman’s life. Keeping mom’s body moving and feeling good through this time is critical. Regular treatment has shown to make for an easier pregnancy, birth and recovery.
Neck & Mid-back Pain
During pregnancy, a woman experiences a rapid increase in breast size due to the preparation of milk. The increase in weight encourages a more hunched position with internal rotation of the shoulders. A woman's increasingly unstable low back also calls on the upper back to help out in stabilizing the body. These factors increase stress and tension significantly. Gentle treatments can restore proper motion and release unwanted tension.
Safe Exercise
Most women have no clue how to safely train and exercise during their pregnancy, sometimes causing them to be inactive due to their fears. Lack of exercise and movement during pregnancy can make a much more difficult labor and delivery. It is necessary that women continue with safe exercise for the health of mother and baby.
Postpartum Care
The fourth trimester is a topic that not many people discuss because we have ignored this period for a long time in medicine. Most doctors do not want to touch you during this period. This three-month period is when the mother’s body is recovering from pregnancy and birth.