Low Back Mobility + Belly Breathing

A lot of issues arise in patient’s due to the sedentary nature of our lifestyle or the poor movement patterns we use day in & out. Most of the time you can avoid &/or even reduce symptoms of LCS by working on mobility in your low back + hips + legs a few times a week. During this mobility training you want to be aware of your joint alignment & where you body is in space. It’s ok if your stretches do not look like mine (yet!) does not mean you cannot work on them - cause it probably means you need it!

Diaphragmatic Breathing → Are you a belly breather? You can say goodbye to that dream of core stability & control if you cannot use your diaphragm properly. Prop your legs up so your calves rest on the surface. Tuck your tailbone under a bit so that your pelvis is neutral & your low back can relax. Place 1 hand on your belly + 1 on your chest, spend 15 min focusing only on allowing your belly to move when you breathe. Belly expands w/ inhale & collapses w/ exhale.

Child’s Pose → This is a great stretch to teach patients how to sit back on their heels w/ a neutral low back. You want to start on all fours, spread your knees to the edge of your mat while keeping your toes together in the back. Push back leading w/ your hips & only go as far as you can keep a neutral spine. If you’ve got some tight hips + low back, try the modification where your hips are higher & the stretch is more aimed for your mid back until you’re ready to progress.


Low Back Mobility


Lower Cross Syndrome