Lower Cross Syndrome
LOWER CROSS SYNDROME || Another common postural flaw we see is Lower Cross Syndrome. As you can probably guess, it is just like Upper Cross Syndrome but for the lower half of your body. Similar to UCS, LCS describes the imbalance of the musculature surrounding the lumbopelvic complex. The muscles in the front are overly tight inhibiting those in the back from being able to counter balance. This most commonly develops from repetitive & extended periods of sitting. Other frequent flyers are runners, those training with poor exercise technique (recruiting too much from their quads and hip flexors) or training asymmetry in their workouts (not enough posterior chain exercises). Here’s a little more detail about LCS.
What is too tight? → The hip flexors (iliopsoas & rectus femoris) and thoracolumbar extensors (erector spinae, multifidi, quadratus lumborum & lattisimus dorsi).
What is inhibited & subsequently weak? → Core (abdominals, diaphragm, pelvic floor, intrinsic muscles of the back) and glutes.
What are some postural signs? → Anterior pelvic tilt, increased lordosis of the lower back (curve), rib cage flare. Pictures → Neutral Pelvic Position vs. Anterior Pelvic Tilt.
Symptoms like lower back pain & tightness, hip pain & restrictions, knee pain, and foot pain all can develop from LCS.
Left = Neutral Pelvis. Right = Anteriorly Tilted Pelvis.